1809 – Lot 130 – Antique Maps
Χάρτες της Κύπρου και της Μεσοποταμίας, 16ου αιώνα. A collection of 16th century maps and descriptions comprising a map of Cyprus – Giovanni Antonio MAGINI – DESCRITTIONE DELL’ISOLA DI CIPRO. CYPRI INSULA, from Geographiae Cioe, Venice 1598, the map introduces chapter XXIX on Cyprus which begins on folio 172 and ends on folio 174. (3pages 195X285mm). Copper engraving 124X170mm. Italian and latin. A. Stylianou entry 85, BOC entry 39, together with a map of the fourth part of Asia from Mesopotamia to Cyprus. PTOLEMAEUS Claudius – Giovanni Antonio MAGINI – TABULA ASIAE IIII, from Geographia cioe… Venice 1598. The first page with copper engraving 125X170mm Italian text, map contents Latin. Verso pagination 12. Together with pages 155-161 a copper engraved map of Asia Minor, the Greek islands and descriptions. (8 pages 200X300mm) A. Stylianou p76, BOC entry 38.1. All together 11 pages. Prov.: JB01 Starting Price: €600 Estimate: €600-1200 |