1806 – Lot 130 – Map of Cyprus
Χάρτης της Κύπρου του Τομ. Πορκάτσι. PORCACCHI TOMMASO. Woodcut map of Cyprus from the book “L Isole piu famose del mondo”. A detailed map of Cyprus, and one of the earliest to show the island by itself, publication date: circa 1590. This map appears in ‘L’isole piu famose’ by Tommaso Porcacchi, a beautiful and important isolario first published in 1572. The isolario, or island book, was a genre developed in the Mediterranean over the sixteenth century as a unique blend of literature, geography and art. It combined up-to-date cartography with contemporary accounts of and information about the places it portrayed. Porcacchi’s work represents the culmination of a movement in the genre towards cartographical accuracy; ‘L’isole’ was aimed specifically at readers who ‘dello studio della geografia si dilettano’ (delight in geographical studies). ‘L’isole’ was the first isolario with maps engraved on copper. Size of page: 270X170mm, size of map: 105X140mm. Prov.: ΑΗ11 Sold for €500 plus premium |