1803 – Lot 62 – Mary Plant


Μαίρη Πλάντ – μολύβι και λάδι σε μάρμαρο.

Mary Plant (Cyprus 1943- Britain), Theatre & Beach, oil, pencil and gold leaf on gesso on marble, Diam.,20cm, signed and dated 1990

Prov.: LB30

Sold for €335.70 incl. premium

Mary Plant was born in 1943 in Cyprus. The series Aphrodite began in 1991 with paintings celebrating the life of the goddess. From these paintings came the books which now make up Aphrodite’s Library. The library is an on-going project. In September 2002 the books were buried near to where Aphrodite is said to have come ashore in Cyprus and subsequently excavated. A video, ‘Discovering Aphrodite’s Library’, was made of the excavation. In order to add relevant texts to the series of paintings ‘Aphrodite’s Garden’, she created Anthograms, an alphabet based on flowers, fruit and plants.