1803 – Lot 40 – Adam de Friedel – Greek Heroes


Συλλογή από δεκαεννέα πορτραίτα προσωπικοτήτων της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης, του Δανού Ανταμ Φρίντελ.

Friedel, Adam de: THE GREEKS. Nineteen portraits out of a collection of twenty four PORTRAITS OF THE PRINCIPAL LEADERS AND PERSONAGES WHO HAVE MADE THEMSELVES MOST CONSPICUOUS IN THE GREEK REVOLUTION. LONDON AND PARIS: ADAM DE FRIEDEL, 1827. Hand-coloured lithographed plates, captions in French and English, plates somewhat soiled and spotted. 41X28cm each.

Prov.: NC01

Sold for: €4478.30 incl. premium